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Friday, February 27, 2009 @10:41 PM

Hope Springs Eternal

especially when there is ice cream.

Currently Craving: Baskin Robbins and Chili's

... going to stop thinking about food now.

Hope springs eternal; Alexander Pope, Essay on Man

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@5:00 PM




Thursday, February 26, 2009 @6:26 PM

wheee I feel damn free today wei

done with exams for the week and YES I KNOW chem's next tuesday but people let me be happy for all of one day! before we start this crazy cycle again.

played cards at the back of the malaysian studies lecture hall with the guys today. haha. bought bread for lunch, too. sat at burger king to eat the sandwiches. thank you baker's cottage.

I discovered that I am going to be 18 in ONE WEEK. hey that's insane don't you think? wooo we are going to watch jason mraz on the 4th of march - thank you, people who did not abandon me because of the price. as for the rest of you - redeem yourselves!

(redemption is a mr john inside joke, along with STORY! but mr tharam says if we want to redeem ourselves, we should find a church to do it in - not his class.)

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009 @12:55 AM

Program Latihan Khidmat Negara


Rowen! says:
I think I found my camp
Rowen! says:
it's in a freaking jungle

Rowen! says:
Rowen! says:
it's 1.7 km into the kebun kelapa sawit

Jun Wen! says:
Even if you managed to escape from that camp, you might not be able to make it out alive.
yc says:

Malaysia Boleh

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Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @9:04 PM

Between who you are and who you could be
Between how it is and how it should be

I dare you to move

- Dare You to Move, Switchfoot

Beautiful song. I just realised.

I may complain about SAM alot, but you know what? I am content.


Two snapshots:

#1 Our math exam papers have squares on them. They freak me out because I try to fit one letter/number in one box, and I go crazy trying to center align fractions.

Those there are my lab goggles. They are not very useful but they look very cool. Oh, and that's the infamous GC - graphic calculator. It's horrible. Ask me why.

Colourful book over there is Taylor's student planner. It's for us to note down deadlines and exam dates because there are just so many of them to remember! I don't really use it though.

#2 My lunch the other day. Two blobs of rice because I substituted chips. I didn't finish it. I need a guy to come to Taylor's Subang so I can give them excess food.

EVERY SINGLE DAY we stand at the guard house and debate over where to go for lunch. So in Malaysian Studies that day we made an evelope full of choices so we could draw lots. Now we pick out lunch venues, then argue over the choices the evelope gives us.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009 @10:27 PM

and I am saved

grab hold of the balloon

but then I reach up


Friday, February 20, 2009 @11:39 PM

what we do when we're bored

so. typical.
don't you think?

oh, and this one is just too good to keep to myself.

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@10:53 PM



Thursday, February 19, 2009 @7:13 PM

Hello world! I am here to tell you that I am cheerful again, thanks to an unexpected visit from a cousin and an unexpected phone call from a friend.

AND I watched an episode of Chuck - the best show on television - yesterday.

Now if someone would please wave a magic wand and get rid of the mountain of homework!

Worth celebrating: KEVIN is going to give me his signature! What can I say? I am a huge fan of people who make me laugh. =)


Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @1:08 AM

This is me, badgering Jun-Wen. I think if you count the ratio of my lines to his, it would be about 10:1. I should not be blamed though. I have not seen him in ages and I miss him. =(


Rowen! says:
I don't want to go to collegeeeeee
Rowen! says:
tell me why we have to study
My brain is starting to rot! says:

To gain more knowledge, to be civilized, to know the world

Rowen! says:
why must there be exams?
Rowen! says:
and investigative studies
Rowen! says:
and problems
My brain is starting to rot! says:

I dont know either

Rowen! says:
I have physics exam on thursday
Rowen! says:
bio math and english next week
My brain is starting to rot! says:
ooo good luck!

Rowen! says:
math and chem last week
Rowen! says:
bio the week before that
Rowen! says:
chem the week after
Rowen! says:
this is horrible

Rowen! says:
I want to sit at home and sleep
Rowen! says:
I want to go on holiday
Rowen! says:
I want to watch a movie

My brain is starting to rot! says:

So any big assignments now?

Rowen! says:
too many
Rowen! says:
english bio physics and chem
Rowen! says:
all with the same deadlines
Rowen! says:
and huge amounts of work
Rowen! says:
hahaha am I scaring you?
Rowen! says:
sorry =(


Am I scaring you too? Oops.

I counted. The ratio is really only 5:1.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @5:54 PM

The world is still spiralling and I'm just
going to

Today it's the life-changing decisions.
Today it's the loneliness.

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Monday, February 16, 2009 @5:27 PM

It's one of those days where the world feels like its spiralling out of control around me. Set on its wayward course by the smallest of things: A silence. Math tutorials. The colour green.

Go ahead. Make my day.

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Sunday, February 15, 2009 @7:30 PM

First Aid Crash Course

injured. boo =(

discarded bandages after miraculous recovery.

theory exam I studied till 2 in the morning for.

We were supposed to take photos of arm slings and elevated slings and cpr dummies! But alas we kept being distracted by DR. ABC.

We did bandaging with triangular bandages! I don't like reef knots. They kept not opening. Bandage victim count thus far: 5. None lost blood circulation and required amputation. They were comfortable, could move their fingers and did not experience numbness. I rock. =)

Our dummy was called Little Anne. Whenever we checked for response, we'd bang its shoulders and yell 'SIR! SIR! Are you okay? Can you respond to me?' Little Anne was anatomically... wrong. (See above. Chest area. Right.) Makes me wonder why not name it Arthur and save everyone the trouble.

Then we'd pinch it and rub the sternum. (Try rubbing your sternum - hard bone in the middle of your chest - with your knuckles. It hurts, surprisingly.) CPR involves pinching noses, lifting chins, and pumping hearts. Violent process. The test dummy tasted of rubber. =(

recovery position. to be used on drunk people.

We were tested on CPR and two types of bandaging. We were not tested on lifting, choking, recovery positions, and what to do in a fire. Also, the many other types of bandages. Syn Dee wants to know how we are supposed to move casualty away from danger. Jason asks how we are going to save people with such limited knowledge. I have no idea.

Ah well. I am now a certified First Aider. I am qualified to save people.


I passed! =D

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @7:41 PM

*Ju Vern and friends approach valentine booth curiously*

Highly Enthusiastic Taylor's Valentine Booth Girl:

Hello! Are you interested in buying cookies? Flowers? Flowers? We'll deliver to class and everything! No? Are you sure? Or do you want your boyfriend to buy? Tell your boyfriend to buy! *excited by new marketing strategy* TELL YOUR BOYFRIEND TO BUY! *brandishes list of names and classes*

*Ju Vern and friends shake heads and back away slowly*

Haha. Friday in college will be interesting! Love is in the air, I swear. It's a great vibe.

My weekend, Valentine's and all, is booked by 9 to 5 first aid classes. Le sigh. The silly things I do.


I was wrong. Taylor's on Friday was not at all interesting in terms of hearts and flowers, with the possible exception of a guy who apparently was holding up a hand-made sign which said 'Available on Valentine's Day? =)'.

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Monday, February 9, 2009 @11:05 AM

It's a world of disguises, isn't it? Full of masks and words we think other people want to hear.


Sunday, February 8, 2009 @11:38 PM

This is one of the cute ones! =)

12 Ways To Know That You Love Someone

You talk with him/her late at night and when you go to bed you still think of him/her.

You walk really slowly when you are with him/her.

You don't feel Ok when he/she is far away.

You smile when you hear his/her voice.

When you look at him/her,you do not see other people around you. You see only him/her.

He/She is everything you want.

You realise that you smile every time you look at him/her.

You would do anything to see him/her.

While you have been reading this, there was a person in your mind all the time.

You've been so busy thinking of that person that you didn't notice that number SEVEN is missing.

You are going to check above if that's true and now you are silently laughing to yourself.



@7:09 PM

As of RIGHT NOW, Liverpool FC is TOP of the table.

Heh. Happy Thaipusam?


Friday, February 6, 2009 @9:00 PM

Romeo & Juliet
star-cross'd lovers




O, she doth teach the torches to burn bright.
Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight,
For I ne'er saw true beauty till this night.

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?

It is the east, and Juliet is the sun!

O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo? ...

O, be some other name! What's in a name?
That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet.

Good night, good night. Parting is such sweet sorrow,

That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Mercy but murders, pardoning those that kill.

Thou canst not speak of that thou dost not feel!

O, here
will I set up my everlasting rest,
And shake the yoke of inauspicious stars

From this world-wearied flesh.

Romeo, I come! This do I drink to thee.

For never was a story of more woe
Than this of Juliet and her Romeo.


Wednesday, February 4, 2009 @1:12 AM


I have taken the liberty of labelling in case the picture is unclear.

(This should clear up any perceived doubts about my superb artistry skills. Yay!)


Tuesday, February 3, 2009 @12:45 AM

Fireworks which cannot be seen really really really should not be heard. They are booming and whizzing invisibly outside my window.


Monday, February 2, 2009 @12:00 AM

I love passionate people.

Don't go and take that the wrong way.


Sunday, February 1, 2009 @1:44 PM

Look! February crept up on me while I was looking back at December. January sped away guiltily.

I am currently learning to complete the Rubik's cube in an intermediate method.

What do you think about yoga? The activity, not the fatwa. Hilarious or healthy?

Something tells me it'll be March before I know it. Jason Mraz concert, anyone? Tickets on sale. =)

Ooh. Roti canai downstairs! I want waffles and indomee. But never ever say no to roti canai.



ju vern

give ju vern a hug! =D




April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
July 2010


unsent letters


.princess aud.


.chee soon.
.chuen hoe.
.er yuin.
.fook zhen.
.jia jia.
.jia wei.
.jun kiat.
.kum foeng.
.lung wang.
.shu sim.
.sue lyn.
.suet yoong.
.syn dee.
.tze huey.
.wai zack.
.weng yee.
.wing yao.
.xin yi.
.yoong chieh.


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